
An interdisciplinary showcase of textiles, live performance and painting, this work explores identity through textile, dance, paint, video and live music.  Main collaborators and creators Nieto, Soucie, and Farnsworth bring their different cultures, backgrounds, and experiences to broaden their collaborative perception and interpretation of identity.  Perception of self, alters as we age, relocate, change relationships or careers, have children; we change the way we dress, decorate our homes and whom we spend time with. Clothing, art, dance and music affect how we respond to ourselves and to the outer world.  Methodorphosis explores the discovery of reinventing oneself, the constant flux of change, whether in a state of joy, chaos, or stagnation.

Choreography and Performance: Salome Nieto 
Textile Artist & Clothing Design:  Katherine  Soucie

Interdisciplinary Artist, (video, paint, & metal): Diane Farnsworth 

Video editing: Carl Craig
Music Collaborators:

Pianist and Vocalist, Adam Farnsworth ,
Afro-Cuban Percussionist, Toto Berriel,
Percussionist, Vern Griffins,
Shakuhachiand shamisen player, Alcvin Ryūzen Ramos,

Photography: Dan Kearley